Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is the best way for a chronically late person to be able to wake up on time for work?

I can never get up on time for work. I am always late for everything. Are there any tricks to getting up on time? I go to bed as early as possible and still no results

What is the best way for a chronically late person to be able to wake up on time for work?oper

Realize its all a part of growing up and being responsible. Other than that, stay on the same time schedule for going to bed and waking up seven days a week. If you are staying up late and sleeping in on the weekends, you're not allowing your body to set it's on enternal alarm clock.

What is the best way for a chronically late person to be able to wake up on time for work?hollywood theater opera theater

dont hit the snooze just jump up and fight the sleep
Set your clocks 15 minutes fast

OR get with it %26amp; understand that you're responsible for getting to work on time or someone else will gladly get there on time to take your place.
Set your alarm, but set the clock so that it's a few minutes(maybe a half an hour)fast.
Go to bed two hours earlier.
Get a person to wake you up instead of an alarm clock
Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you HAVE to get up to turn it off. Once your out of bed it'll be easier to stay there. This has worked for me for years.
buy one of those really loud obnoxious wind up big-ben type alarm clocks and set it ALL the way on the other end of the room from your bed.....

these things are LOUD...with a capital LOUD!!! you will have to get up out of bed to turn it off......then, make sure you stay up !!!!!
set your alarm clock in the bathroom...that way you have to get up nd move all the way down the hall to turn it off... and you are right there!...jump in the shower and get ready for work instead of going back to bed...
You can try to move your alarm clock somewhere that requires you to get out of bed to turn it off.
Set all the clocks in your house so that they are about ten minutes (or however long you want) fast. That way, you'll be up earlier and be able to leave earlier.
try going to bed early
have soemoen throw cold wter on you a few times.....or ...rmember the boss will fire me the boss will fire me...that shoudl do it
well, i figure when you lose enough jobs you'll start to figure it out.
Responsibility. Take some.
I had this problem, First don't make obligations at some unreasonlaby early hour, you won't make it, second set you're alarm clock way ahead so you can hit the snooze button alot.

My alarm is set and hour and 20 min before work Mon-Fri and i hit the snooze every ten min before i wake up
set the alarm and make your feet hit the floor as soon as you hear it
If I have to get up early I usually set two alarms and have one near my bed and the other across the room so I have to get up to turn if off.
Somehow you need to force yourself to see it from the perspective that if you continue to be late, you will never have a good job, never have money, not be able to eat, never live in a house, never have a decent car, and die a miserable premature death. Good luck!
set the alarm 30 mins earlier...that helps me get up on time. I get a few snoozes in then I know enough GET UP!!
I have the same problem....the only solution is to be hypnotized.

Hypnosis is simply planting an idea deep in your subconscious, which is what you are trying to acheive with all the tricks you've tried (you are trying to find that motivating circumstance or device that will get you up and motivated to stay up).
Move your alarm clock to the far side of the room. If you have to get out of bed and walk over to turn it off you've got a fighting chance to stay awake.
My man has his alarm on the other side of the room so he has to get out of bed to turn it off. It works every morning.
Put your alarm clock further from you bed so you will have to get up to turn it off!!
I keep the alarm clock as far away from me as possible and when it goes off take the blankets off and turn on the lights
I set my clock 30 mins fast and I also put them in where I have to get out of bed to turn them off. It really helps me.
focus! it's a willpower thing. you can do it if you really want to. treat yourself when you're on time.
Have two alarm clocks. one a regular plug in clock and the other a wind up clock and put them across the room away from where you sleep. use the wind up clock as a back up in case the power would go out for some reason. set the clocks for at least an hour and 30 mintues before you have to be to work. when they go off get up turn them off and stay up
Yeah I'm the same way, you should set your self a schedule so that you can remind yourself to get ready like 2 hours or and hour before you leave , it try 3 hours take a shower get your clothes ready do your hair makeup or whatever. so you can have time to chill befor you put your clothes on and leave out the door, so all you will have to do is throw your clothes on and shoes and walk out the door, this works for me Good luck, God bless. P.s. set your alarm also.
As you plan your day, give yourself 15-25% extra time to get to where you need to get to. For example, if it takes you 60 minutes to get to work, plan as if it takes you 70-75 minutes. Keep that in your mind as you wake up, as you never know what bus you'll miss, what traffic jam you'll be in, or what time you will leave your house. I'm the same way. If you think it really *IS* 70-75 minutes to get to your job, you'll most likely get there on time, if not on the rare occassion early.
Aside from all of the other advice, you should make a daily routine related to sleeping. For example, an hour before you sleep, you start doing this or that (e.g reading a book, watching tv, etc.) to help you relax before you sleep, signalling to your body that you're going to sleep. Make sure that as much as possible this is consistently the same time, even on weekends. The same for the time you wake up. If you sleep in on weekends, you'll throw off your body clock again and be late again on Monday.

I should know, I always sleep in on weekends. =p

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