Thursday, December 10, 2009

Had sex one day before my period now im 10 days late?

i had sex one day before my period was meant to start and then i didnt get it the next day, its now 10 days late ive recently moved out of the house where i was living with my bf and am in a stressfull environment with angry family members and me and my bf are fighting alot. This delayed period has only happened once before and the longest was 14 days late, i was dealing with a death in the family at that time. I have been experiencing random bouts of nausea but not in the morning and stabbing pains in my stomach, im really tired and have been getting lots of acnea i also have a sore back from time to time.i am very stressed but try to calm myself alot. Any advice???

Had sex one day before my period now im 10 days late?ballet theater

When I am under a lot of stress I will skip my period all together. Take a test to make sure, but its probably just your stress. Anyways, if its only been11 days since sex, you wouldn't be experiencing so many symptoms.

Had sex one day before my period now im 10 days late?chicago theater opera theater

There is no use trying to make excuses up 10 days is a long time.. Although it could be stress you should get to the doctors asap because the longer u leave it the harder its gonna be for you...
Don't flip out yet! It could be stress that causes you to be late. As far as the sickness goes you could be getting sick or you could be convincing yourself that your pregnant. The brain can do amazing things so try to relax and not think about which is easier said than done but at least try. Also you can get a blood test to check and make sure
This could definately just be the stress. You ovulate about 14 days before your period (if you have a normal 28 day cycle), and so there is a very little chance that you could get pregnant the day before you are supposed to get your period. All the stress in your life can make your period very late. If you are worried, though, take a home pregnancy test. hope this helps!
You have the symptoms, and You are late, what are you waiting for? There are many over the counter pg tests that u can use to find out for sure. Stress can delay your period but why sit and wonder or make excuses. Find out for sure and then if + set up a gyn appointment, or if neg. set up a gyn appt. for birth control, protect your health.
Yea, stop playing house and get married to this boyfriend of yours so you and he can stop stressing about your pregnancy. You two better grow up quickly because you both are about to have a life changing experience, which will affect the precious child you two have conceived for the rest of all of your lives. Don't make anymore mistakes and get over this childish fighting.
I got pregnant the day before my period was due. On another note stress and things you eat can make u late. From my own experience medications containing opiates such as percocet and oxycotin have delayed my period. Just get tested sooner the better.

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