Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can I still be pregnant if my period was 5 days late, but i still got it.?

The thing is two months ago i was two days late for my period, then this month I was five days late. For some reason my stomach is getting bigger and is always feeling like it is being stretched from the inside. My lower back is constantly aching and I have wierd feelings coming from my stomach. For some reason I just have this overwhelming feeling that I am pregnant. What do you think?

Can I still be pregnant if my period was 5 days late, but i still got it.?opera songs

I would take a pregnancy test to be sure. There are some women who had periods, or breakthrough bleeding, for several months during their pregnancy.

Good luck to you...

Can I still be pregnant if my period was 5 days late, but i still got it.?secure browser opera theater

Its possible to have a period while pregnant! Take a test or go c ur doctor!!! GOod luck!!! :)
If you really think you are pregnant, take a test, but you are probably not. There are lots of reasons why your cycle can suddenly stop being exact.
Late periods don't mean pregnant. If you've had 2 normal periods, it's very unlikely that you're pregnant. Take a test if it will really ease your mind, but I personally wouldn't be concerned with pregnancy if I were in your shoes. Good luck.
you know ive had pretty much the same thing i got sick 2-3 months ago with some migraines (like 3 in one month, i never get them) to where i was throwing up...and my breasts were hurting. ive still had my period and ive taken several pregnancy tests all negitive... but now im starting to get dizzy at work and have headaches and nausea again and i dont know if im just paranoid but my stomach seems to be growing.... i think what im trying to say is we just need to get it through our think heads that we need to go to the doc.... but its hard when your insurence dont cover 100% its expensive...
Well you could possibly be pregnant!! Take a test or go see your doctor. Maybe both. But if you're only about 2-3 months along in your possible pregnancy your back shouldn't be hurting and your probably not showing yet. But you never know!!! A lot of women get bloated at the beginning of their pregnancy and it appears that they are showing!!! Good luck!!

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