I'm 16. My boyfriend and I had sex a few times without condoms, we've done it before and been completely fine. But this time I'm worried- he never came inside of me, but I'm a week late on my period. Usually I'm about 3/4 days late, but I'm really getting scared. My breasts are also tender, and I've been really moody and cry a lot; I realize this can mean I'm getting ready to menstruate.. but I don't know..
I have an appointment for Planned Parenthood on the 12th; for birth control.. so I'm going to get information then.. and probably have a pregnancy test done if I haven't gotten my period..
But, they don't do abortions at the nearest Plan Parenthood; and my Mother doesn't know that I've already had sex, let alone that I'm late for my period- And if I tell her, she'll probably FLIP.
Can I be pregnant?! And what do I do?
Sex with out a condom; but he pulled out. period's 7 days late. i'm only 16!! pregnant?!?comedy show
You very well could be pregnant since you are already 3/4 days late you should go to your nearest store and purchase a pregnancy test and take it (at the store if you have to)... Then tell you mom if it's possitiive... I know that she will flip but have her help you make the right choice for your family... I will forever regret that I didn't tell my mom and had no one to help me through the abortion I had and I will always regret having one (even though I was 17 at the time). However I know lots of people that have had abortions at 16,17, or 18 and don't regret it... It's truly a personal choice but one that shouldn't be made lightly and one that you should speak to one of your parents about.
Being pregnant changes you for the rest of your life and it's important to have your mom on your side even if she is really upset at first!
Good Luck and stop stressing and get to the store to buy a pregnancy test (you can usually find them at dollar stores for a dollar or at the grocery store for $5-$20)
Sex with out a condom; but he pulled out. period's 7 days late. i'm only 16!! pregnant?!?greek theater opera theater
planned parent hood does abortions at all there clinics! The pull out method is only 50-50 i know because me and my husband did it and now im 28 weeks pregnant!
Take a test and tell your mom the truth shes gonna find out one way or another any ways and you need support
Uh, just so you know...
The Pull out Method is one of the WORST methods ever.
Pre-ejaculation CAN possibly get your pregnant.
Ok well ive said this before and i will say it again but why did you not use PROTECTION!!!???!!
Ok well next time use protection and get down to the pharmacy and get your self a pregnancy test.
Oh and please if your lucky enough not to be pregnant,dont be so stupid next time.
There's really no fool-proof way to NOT get pregnant. There are lots of good birth control methods but nothing but abstinence is 100%. All it takes is one tiny little sperm to make his way to your egg.
Don't say anything to your mom until you know for sure. There's no reason to get her all flipped out if you're not pregnant. Buy a home pregnancy test. I saw them at the dollar store for cheap!
Just try to relax, hard I know, but the stress of thinking that you may be pregnant could be the reason behind your late period. Wait another week, and if your period still hasnt come do a test. You are right in thinking that your symptons can be related to menstruation, so there is no point in stressing yourself out about something that may not even happen. Probably not quite what you want to you here as you are probably terrified at the thought of being pregnant but support is out there if you need it. Just be patient for now, thats all you can do at this moment...good luck:)
P.S dont tell your mum yet, there is no point in raising her stress levels also if your not 100%sure. If you are pregnant and you need your mums support by all means go ahead, but wait untill you know for sure.
not to be mean, but this is the reason why young people should not be having sex! sex = babies... don't be too alarmed if you are.
There is no definite way to be sure if you are pregnant or not with the little information you have. Don't be so quick to get an abortion if you're not even pregnant! The first step is to make sure you have a viable pregnancy. (Viable means that the pregnancy will ultimately end in the birth of a live baby.)
There are 3 reasons why a pregnancy test might come up postitive when, in fact, you're not really pregnant.
There is something called an "Ectopic pregnancy," where the baby has started growing in the wrong place. If that is the case, you will need to have it surgically removed by a real doctor.
The next thing that can happen is a miscarriage (Misscarriage = natural end of the pregnancy) where you don't have to do anything at all because it will stop on its own.
The 3rd reason is something very important called "blighted ovum." What happens here is when a women's egg is fertilized, but there's no baby inside.Your body will recognize the fertilized egg and show all of the symptoms of pregnancy (including weight gain, tender breasts, no menstruation, etc), when really you're not.
The ONLY way you will know if you have any of these likely conditions is to get an ultrasound.
Why worry or pay to "fix" anything, if you're not even pregnant?
DONT GET AN ABORTION IF YOU ARE, would-be mothers who get abortions feel guilty for the rest of their lives. If that is what you are considering give her up for adoption.
just because your breast are sensative doesnt mean your pregnant i garuntee you that your not and usually when you stree out about getting ti you pro long the time for when you get your period adn me and my friends have unprotected sex all the time you jsut have to be careful and none of us are pregnant already o yea and jsut becuase your 3 to 4 days late usually doesnt mean anything your period doesnt regualte its self until youve had it for like a year or what ever so dont panic im 18 got mine when i was 13 and it still doesnt regualte its self
Hi, I have a 16 year old daughter. I would flip of course but I would be more concerned about how she is feeling and I guess your mum would realise that you are already suffering with anxiety and so she would see that you are already paying for this mistake. She would flip even more if you didn't tell her but she would treat you with more respect if you told her that you need to speak to her alone when she has time. Tell her you are sorry. Did this boy 'convince' you to have sex or was it really a mutual agreement? it makes a difference. First thing is to get a test immediatley and then go to your GP with your mum and discuss the options (think very carefully and be realistic)! The boys parents should also be informed should you be pregnant. I hope for your sake you are not. You must go to a family planning clinic and discuss a reliable method of contraception. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM!!!! Are you not concerned about STD's???!!! What do they teach about this at your school? You must act quickly, there is no time to waste if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant I strongly advise you to ask your GP to refer you to a counsillor for advice withut delay! Please tell your mum, if she flips its only becasue she is concerned for you, but it'll be worse if you keep such a thing secret from her. I wish you luck -x-
This might sound a bit rough but like my mother told me... "if you play around you might get pregnant, and if you get pregnant its your own fault for playing around."
Go buy a test for $5 at Walmart and if it says positive... TELL YOUR MOM!!!! She is going to find out one way or the other that you are having sex and if you are pregnant TRUST ME... you are going to want all the support you can find. I'm 22 and I am so happy my family is there for me because its not easy being pregnant.
But my personal opinion... if you aren't using protection then its your own fault for getting pregnant. and FYI... ALL planned parenthoods do abortions.
DUH!! don't act supid, pull and pray method does not work!! Should have thought about birthcontrol BEFORE DROPPED UR PANTS! ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL!!!! Grow up and take some responsibility.
Funny how people who are for abortion have already been BORN!
I got pregnant when i was 15 because of the pull out method. My mom didn't know i was having sex either, and it was with my ex-boyfriend. I ended up haveing a abortion, but i regret it, it felt like it was the only thing i could do at the time and i feel really bad about the choice i made even though i was pushed into it.
My ex-boyfreind and i got back together after that and have been together for 3 years and we are now having a baby that we are much more ready for.
2 points
This is why you wear a condom. Im 32 weeks pregnant and me and my husband were using condoms so yeah.....just dont have sex that works the best.
well you might be pregnant but there is no way to tell until you go get a pregnancy test done and after that (if the test is positive ) you need to tell your mom so you guys can set up a doctors appointment to find out for sure...i also suggest that abortion is not the way I'm not trying to preach or anything but their are many people out there who would like a child ..... don't be afraid of what people will think its not like most of them aren't out there having sex to it just so happened that you got pregnant it could happen to any of them too also make sure you tell your boyfriend ,,,,,,,,i hope this helps and if you are not pregnant then be care full the best way not to get pregnant is abstinence but if you are not going to practice that then a condom and birth control help but they are not 100% affective either ,,,,,i know i sound like a commercial or advertisement for something sorry
first off Planned Parenthood is KNOWN to do abortions there an abortion clinic they talk to you about the abortions and such anyways........Id flip too if my 16 years old daughter was pregnant as well if you cant deal with the conciquiences of having sex you shouldnt be having sex..end of story
Withdrawal DOES NOT protect you from pregnancy.
He may ejaculate outside the vagina, but you can still get pregnant. He can also rub his penis against your vulva without penetration and you can get pregnant.
So if you don't want a baby or a disease...wear a condom!!!!
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