Thursday, December 10, 2009

What can i do with my family before its too late?

yeah so im 15 right now and i think my parents are starting to get a little to old right now and for so long ive been treating them with i think not enough respect i dont know why i act like this, when i see them i act like a jerk but when then i look back at it and regret doing that my dad whos about in his 50's right now has helped me so much in my life and i havent been much grateful for it what can i do to show him in thankful for all the stuff hes done and what can i do to have more of a bond with him before its too late? hes been smoking ciggaretes for a long time now and drinking beer and i think thats just eating away his years each second so i wanna make things right with him before its too late same goes for my mom i dont think i treat her with enough respect as i should. shes on welfare and shes taking care of me and my brother and shes about 48 now and ive seen white hairs growing lately and after seeing this i just think their getting old and i wanna make things right..

What can i do with my family before its too late?home theatre

It doesn't matter how old a person is...they could be gone tomorrow. Being 15 is difficult. I think about how I treated my parents when I was 15. I am thankful that I got past it and they are still here. Just try to make time to talk. It doesn't have to be a deep conversation, just spend time with each other. What are some activities you enjoy that you can involve them in? What are some activities they enjoy that you can get involved in? Ask what they were like when they were your age. Tell them how you are feeling. Hormones mess a lot of people up, so I am sure they understand what you're going through. If you read up on it, a lot of experts say it is a sort of separation anxiety and is meant to happen because it makes "leaving the nest" easier when it is time to move out. Just reach out to them. They are your parents.

What can i do with my family before its too late?ballet theater opera theater

The first thing that you can really do is say that you love them very much...then start finding their interests and help them with whatever they are doing specially if you can do it for them...take time to tell them what happened to you on your day...tell them of is not a word by is in action that they can prove what you have said is in action...that is what respect is...taking time for them and doing in everyway to see what makes them more thing...i hope this has helped...God bless
If you listen to the song "Teach your Children" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, it talks about the parent child relationships and their importance. Something we don't see very often these days.

The second part that talks to the children says "teach your parents well". I think the song wants each generation to understand what each other is all about accounting for the generation gaps. The songwriters also points out that teaching each other will bring about change for the good in the world (possibly a social change). The song in my opinion spoke about unconditional love and peace in the family.

Before it is too late, get into their life and help them out with the small things that they need assistance for such as household chores, gardening, snow shoveling, groceries, taking them to mall etc. I mean, these are simple things that you could do to thank them for what they have done to you in your life. Many parents, especially in the previous generation sacrificed their life for us. Once you start making money, share a small amount with them that might help with their monthly maintenance. I tell you man, the satisfaction you get by helping them is fulfilling and absolutely priceless.
One thing for sure you need to forgive yourself.

It is good to see your fault's and want to change, this is the part of growing up cause you are starting to see your mistakes.

It would help if you can set down and talk to both of them and tell them you are sorry for being difficult and that you love them very much.

They would be proud to have a son that will admit his mistakes.

This can open some door's for more open discussions in the future.

I'm sure they will forgive you!

It would be good that you tell them about the concerns you have about the smoking issue and the drinking.

Tell them you are concerned for their health and you would like to see them live a long and healthy life.

Also what can help is don't try to take on all the load yourself or blame yourself for their failings,cause you are not responsible for what they are doing wrong.

It sounds like you really want to help and you can by not losing your temper with them if they can't change.

You may just have to accept them the way they are and still love them anyway and help out around the house as much as possible.

When they see what a good and caring son you are this can win them over and show them just how blessed they are to have a son like you.

So don't get discouraged and it won't hurt to pray about this as well.

So just sitting down with each one or both and letting them know how you feel about them will help them gain some insight in why you have acted out the way you have and now you want and need their help to overcome this problem.

So ask questions and don't turn away their sugguestions that may be helpful.

Listen and ponder over what advice they may give you and then go back to them and let them know how you feel about there advice and then try to act on it to benefit you and them.

But remember things cannot change overnight and it takes both sides to work together as a family.

So good luck young man and Jehovah God be with you.

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