Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am new to this. My period is late. Could I be pregnant?

I am 21 years old. I have been on the birth control pill for three years. Always take it regularly, and my boyfriend and I are always careful. We never wait to the point of "pulling out", because we get too paranoid, as I am now. We never wait until he is getting close or anything like that, we stop. I am three days late and took a pregnancy test First Response this morning and it came out negative. I have been under a lot of stress this month, i'm about to graduate nursing school and just started the last class before graduation three weeks ago. It is the hardest class and I have been very emotionally stressed over it, crying for a whole weekend because I was so scared. Could stress just be the problem or do I actually have a chance of being pregnant? PLEASE HELP ADVICE PLEASE!

I am new to this. My period is late. Could I be pregnant?globe theater

I don't see why you have not just gone to the drugstore and bought a test?

I am new to this. My period is late. Could I be pregnant?oper opera theater

It is probably just stress, you have alot going on in your life.

I would wait a week and take another test.

Good Luck
I think that if you are close to finishing nursing school, then you should be able to answer your own question. Just go buy a test for Pete sake.
You can be pregnant the birth control is not 100 percent safe i got pregnant off of the depo so anything is possible. you might of taken the test to early. so give it a few more days if you don't start call your Dr to get checked out.
It is probably just stress. I am hoping that you are still on the pill? If not, then you must know that "pulling out" is not a good way to prevent pregnancy. Take another test in a week or so and use the urine from the first thing in the morning. That is when the hormones are strongest. Congratulations on your graduation! Try to calm down though about the class. Remember the old saying C's are degree's. Good luck.
Stress can always change your menstral cycle. Most early pregnancy tests can not show results until you are at least 3 weeks pregnant. It is possible to get a false negative. I have 5 friends who were all on BC pills when they became pregnant. If you don't get it within a week test again. If you want to be absolutely sure have the doctor do a blood test. Planned parenthood is confidential if you can't tell anyone

good luck.
It sounds like stress to me. I say that because I have had late periods when I have been under a lot of stress. If you done come on with in a week to ten days then go to your GP, there are test they can do for you.

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