Thursday, December 10, 2009

Had sex the day pefore my period now im 10 days late?

i had sex on the 24th of feb then on the 11th of march which was one day before my period was meant to start and then i didnt get it the next day, its now 10 days late ive recently moved out of the house where i was living with my bf who i am now not with and its killing me and am in a stressfull environment with angry family members and me and my bf are fighting alot. This delayed period has only happened once before and the longest was 14 days late, i was dealing with a death in the family at that time. I have been experiencing random bouts of nausea but not in the morning and stabbing pains in my stomach, im really tired and have been getting lots of acnea i also have a sore back from time to time.i am very stressed but try to calm myself alot. Any advice???

Had sex the day pefore my period now im 10 days late?paramount theater

It doesn't sound like you are pregnant.... .it just sounds like you have ALOT stressful situations going on around you .

Had sex the day pefore my period now im 10 days late?theatre opera theater

It could just be serious amounts of stress. I had a late period that was just attributed to stress, maybe once you get relaxed it might come, but if you are really worried take a home pregnancy test and consult your doc.
So I'm 3 mouths late and I have not had sex.I had sex 5 month a go but that is it.
Ur fertile dates would have been around the 24th not the 11th. U very well could be pregnant but I wouldnt rule out stress related delays.

I would go get an ept just in case and take it. If u r pregnant, u r far enough along for it to show up.

I wish u luck and hope all works out with the bf the way u want it. With or without baby, sounds like the two of you have a chance of working things out. I hope u do if thats what u want.

Good luck hun.

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